Post-Retirement Reading

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Retirement Anniversary Day.


My annual retirement day check-in finds me just home from the Grade 8 grad bbq at JLA.  My second last year group of kids before I am officially obsolete.  And I am ok with that!  😜. Some of my favourite kids and their parents were still there (Propps, Simpsons, Quicks), so all was well.

I must confess, I feel a bit battered by the last couple of years-especially this one.  My resolve feels taxed and my enthusiasm has waned.  The recovery from my surgery has been slow…but steady.   Currently I am having a most unpleasant bout of tinnitus and I’ve been a little dizzy the last few days.  

But, I am safe and secure.

The world is so different than retirement day 3 years ago.  Between covid and the war in Europe, soaring gas and food prices and travel delays, life is definitely different…and not in a better way.

But on we go.  Hoping for the best, bracing for whatever will be…


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