Post-Retirement Reading

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Limping Toward Normalcy

 I’ve been making small steps to try and reintegrate.   My latest is starting to sing again.  I’m just home from my first rehearsal/time singing in 2.5 years.   I was nervous.  It was also the first time I’ve been in close quarters with that many people in just as long.   It felt good, but still odd,  to sing again and to be back in a familiar environment with people.  All but 3 wear masks.   I guess this is the new normal.

I also went to a yoga class and have been to a few movies and to Homequarter’s for breakfast a few times.   Next step is the Jan Arden concert on Wednesday night.   

The balance of being so cautious and alone has finally tipped to to take more risks.  I’m hoping that soon it won’t take such forethought and effort to mix and mingle.  My ultimate step forward will be taking a trip, perhaps a flight to Waterloo in September.  Dare to dream!  

So baby, (limping) steps as I continue to recover both physically and psychologically.  My back is coming along slowly but steadily.  It’s feeling much more limber and mobile, but it still has a ways to go.  

Limp on, Bob.  Limp on!

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