Post-Retirement Reading

Thursday, 30 September 2021


September.  A mix of oh, so good and endless and increasing bad.

Bills wedding was wonderful.  Perfect weather, lovely event, a wonderful reprieve of “normalcy” for a couple of days among family and friends.   A hint of hope and better days ahead.   

I also worked at the federal election (which resulted in basically no change in government) and my tutor training.   Some river walks and painting and an overnight trip at Elk Ridge to take in the beautiful fall colours to enjoy this unseasonably pleasant weather lately.   These are the good things.

But...the covid numbers are out of control, the hospitals are in danger of collapse, Dr. Shahab has projected a “fall and winter of misery” as Saskatchewan and Alberta reap the “rewards” of our short-cited and ill advised political directives from summer decisions and directives.  So sad.  And so unnecessary.  And no end in sight.   It feels fucking bleak.

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