Post-Retirement Reading

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Marking time....

Today is Tuesday May 26th, 2020

• We are at 70 days of social isolation. 70 DAYS.

• The CDN dollar is worth $.71 US.

• Gas costs 89.9 cents per litre at the pumps in our area . A tank of gas is lasting a lot longer these days.

• Schools have been closed since March 16 and kids are learning remotely on-line. This will continue for the rest of the school year.

• High school has cancelled all exams; grade 12 students will graduate with their last mark...what they had before March Break...and without needing to complete their literacy test and their 40 hours of volunteer work. There was no prom, nor graduation ceremony. We're hoping graduation will be re-scheduled for the Fall.

• Restaurants are only open for home delivery & pick-up orders, although many people are afraid to order take-out because we aren't 100% sure if Covid-19 can be spread through food. Some stores give their take out orders with a small alcohol wipe to wipe down the bag and containers inside.

• National and Provincial Parks and Conservation areas have reopened, but all playgrounds will remain closed.

• All sports competitions have been canceled.

• All festivals and entertainment events have been banned (Canada Day celebrations in some cities and Calgary Stampede canceled just in the last few days, ND state fair, Estevan Fair and Rafferty Rumble)

• Weddings, family celebrations, birthdays and funerals have been canceled.

• Gatherings are limited to no more than 10 people outside the same household.

• People are doing drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays, baby showers, schools staff to see their students and show appreciation to front-line workers.

• Hearts and rainbows in the window began as a way to show love and appreciation during a time of self-isolation and lock-down, and has spread worldwide.

• Churches are closed or online.

• We have to stay away from each other by at least 2 meters (6 feet). These are the new Social-Distancing Rules that most everyone adheres to, without thinking now. During jogging or cycling, it’s advised to stay 20 feet away.

• When out for a walk (basically the only outdoor activity we are still allowed to do), people will step off the curb and wait while another person passes.

• Old Age and Retirement homes are experiencing high rates of outbreak among residents and staff, and in some cases there are 1/10 of the staff working. Many of the deaths are attributed to these outbreaks.

• Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has been doing daily press conferences from Rideau Cottage. On April 8th he said masks help prevent you from “speaking moistly” to others. He instantly regretted saying it and the phrase went viral.

• People are using their home 3D printers to help make PPE like face shields and clips (to save health care workers ears and hold back mask straps), and even ventilator pieces that are in short supply

• People are wearing masks, some places now REQUIRE that you wear them to enter!

• People are sewing masks & gowns. Others are crocheting or knitting bands to help save people's ears who have to wear them for extended periods. They are donating them to group homes, medical facilities and people who need them. Disposable gloves are also widely worn when out in public to get supplies.

• Toilet paper, yeast, hand sanitizer, flour, antibacterial wipes and anything Lysol or Clorox is in short supply and limited per person.... IF you can even find them!

• Chicken wings are also getting hard to find, as is beef, because 2 of Canada’s top 3 beef suppliers have been hit hard with outbreaks. Things like milk were limited up to 2 per person. Prescription medications are limited to just one month instead of having multiple months.

• Stores are closing early to disinfect everything. (24 hour stores are even closing by 9pm).

• Store check outs, pharmacies and even fast food drive thru windows have added plexiglass between employee and customer. Have to reach around or under to pay!

• Online shopping and grocery delivery services are at an all-time high.

• There are lines taped and even painted outside the stores for people to line-up to enter with max #'s allowed in a store at a time. There are lines and circles at the check outs to keep people 6 feet apart. There are taped arrows in the aisles to keep flow of traffic one-way as you shop.

• Canada has closed the borders to all non-essential travel.

• No visits or respite/relief allowed for any children in care.

• On April 19, Canada was devastated by the largest mass shooting in our history, 22 lives lost in Nova Scotia. A virtual vigil was held April 24 for the victims, as Canada mourned. On May 1, the PM announced an official ban on assault-style guns.

• As of May 19th, some provinces have chosen to slowly start re-opening businesses in an effort to restart the economy. (Even some of the hardest-hit provinces, like Alberta and Quebec). Some provinces (like Ontario) have chosen only a few outside businesses to open. Taking their time as it is far too soon to lift the full lock-down. Not enough is known yet about the virus and we are still in the middle of the peak. It is still being spread easily and there are still high numbers of deaths. We expect a second and even third wave to hit and the pandemic is expected to last 18-24 months before it is over.

• Air and water pollution are at an all-time low, and animals have been seen going through areas not normally occupied by them.

• The world has quieted, a large hole in the ozone has closed. Our Earth appears to be healing.

• We stay in our homes and make the best of the time we have to spend together with those who live in the same household. People are trying new things, learning new things, playing games, taking the time to read, and we can thankfully stay in touch with loved ones through technology like phones, texts, emails, FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom. Window visits are also on the rise, as people find new and creative ways to show their quarantined loved ones that they are loved, thought of, and cared about. Although this is a different way of life for now, and many things are missed, it’s teaching us not to take those things or people for granted when we do finally reach some sort of “normalcy”, whatever that looks like from here on out.

• People are becoming much more careful and conscientious about hygiene and how it affects not just ourselves, but others.

• People are also realizing there are a lot of material things that we are used to having, that have now become unimportant - we are realizing the difference between need and want, and how unnecessary certain things are in times like these.

• Covid-19 has shown the world what’s important, and that it is indeed possible to come together (by staying apart) for the greater good. It’s teaching us that it is indeed possible, and important, to help more vulnerable people, like the elderly and the homeless. I can’t remember a time when people worked so hard to provide shelter and food for the homeless. Or a time when long-term care residences were in the forefront and it came to light how much more they need from the government and the public, in order to properly care for their residents. It is also teaching us who the real heroes are; it’s not the movie stars and the highly-paid sports stars in all their fame and glory. It’s the front-line workers, the delivery workers, the grocery store clerks, the garbage collectors, and all those who continue to risk their lives to keep the communities fed, clean, housed, healthy and connected.

• May 17th we lost one of our Snowbird representatives (the Public Affairs Officer, Capt Jennifer Casey), on the cross country tour called Operation Inspiration, to lift the spirits of Canadian's. Life is so precious.

Why have I reposted this?

Next year & then every year after, this status will appear in my Facebook memories feed. And it will be an annual reminder that life is precious & that nothing should be taken for granted. We are where we are with what we have. Let's be grateful ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–

This post is not mine, but I copied because I want to remember it too.

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