Post-Retirement Reading

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Been There, Done That: Get Me Outta Here!

Sundogs around the sun...and yes, it is as cold as it looks!  
     Ok, so I tried to see the beauty in winter...I tried to appreciate the 'subtle beauty of the prairies'...I tried to 'enjoy the season'.  This has been one cold month and now all I want to do it get out of Dodge and be hit upside the head with some obvious, in-your-face, take-your-breath-away, sun-drenched, green and flowering vegetation, surf-rolling-in beauty!!!  
     You know how I usually say something like 'I can't wait to see what is out there'?  Well, I have never meant it more this time because what has been out there this month has been cold, cloudy and dark.  Bring it on, I say!!

Hoarfrost and blue skies

Winter sunset

Frozen cattails

Take me home, country roads

All these pictures were taken in and around my hometown this month.
In order to get this kind of hoarfrost, it has to be really cold!

Running in December at home is always challenging, but not impossible!  This day it was -34 degrees Celcius but with 5 layers on the bottom half, 4 layers on the top half, 2 pair of socks, 2 pair of gloves, toque, scarf and neck warmer I was good to go!!
     And so it goes without saying that I am anxious to get to leave all this "winter beauty" behind and head to warmer climes.  I can't think of a better way to start 2013 than with a return to the surf, sand and sun in San Diego for nearly two months.

1 comment:

  1. You were running?! Who on earth would be chasing you in that kind of cold?
