Post-Retirement Reading

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Mr. Cowan Goes To Washington

A sign of the times
Highlights of my week in Washington DC included:

     -warm, sunny autumn weather...gotta love that fall sunshine!

     -monuments, monuments, monuments

     -having the luxury of time to see the city at a nice leisurely pace and spending some time getting a sense of how some native Washingtonians live

     -spending time in the many green spaces the city has to offer

     -it was exciting being there this close to the election

     -lunch at the World Bank Group

     -an Old Town Trolley tour of the city

Washington Monument

Honest Abe and Honest Bob

No matter which door we tried, the Obamas weren't taking drop-ins.
Clearly, they missed our calls to host us
I mean bars...really?  Not very subtle!
Martin Luther King, Jr Monument-
Mountain of Hope from Mountain of Despair

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery
Challenger Space Shuttle Memorial
Columbia Memorial

The eternal flame for JFK and family
American History Museum to see...
the original Kermit!!

Archie Bunker's chair and

    Of course, having some awesome, "locals" to act as tour guides didn't hurt at all either! They were most gracious hosts and I am ever grateful to them for letting me take advantage of their hospitality for an entire week. 
     And that, as they say, has made all the difference!! :)
At the Theodore Roosevelt Monument
Some lovely accomodations at the
Kennedy-Warren apartments


Along the `Mall`on the steps of the Lincolm Monument
      So, with autumn well under way in Washington, I took this picture on my last day as a sign of things to come before I fly up to Bangor, Maine to see what all the fuss about the New England fall colors is.  I`m sure I won`t be disappointed and, as always, I am looking forward to seeing what is out there!!!

A sign of things to come!

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