Post-Retirement Reading

Saturday 29 June 2024

Year 6


Hello retirement, year 6.  This evening will be spent at our annual summer gig at The Bassment.  Some things never change.  ðŸ˜‚

Monday 17 June 2024

Adventures In Art #3-Artist in Residence at Coutts Centre for Western Canadian Heritage in Nanton, Alberta

Ok.  So.  I don’t even know how to start about this week.  OMFG!  What an amazing place this is.   The house is a 100 year old completely refinished homestead house, chock full of incredible art, self-contained with awesome facilities and amenities.

Then there are the gardens (everything purple, except the poppies!!) and buildings (like The Chicken House) completely maintained by staff from the University of Lethbridge.

And then the view.  My God the view!

I painted (some), was fascinated by poppies, explored Nanton (oh, those meat pies!), bonded with Ralph the cat, dealt with a plague of grackles, went to a John Wort Hannam concert in Calgary on Friday, had a great day with Lee on Saturday antiquing, had a flat white and a delicious lunch that she brought out here, was comped tickets to the Father’s Day BBQ with father/daughter singer entertainment.

An incredible week of relaxing, restoration, inspiration and rejuvenation.   I will be back!

(It had to be done!)

Sunday 9 June 2024

Adventures In Art #2-Raku/Horsehair/Saggar Weekend Workshop

 So, turning this….

…into this 

this weekend was fun!

Janice Schiman had a weekend workshop at her place in Martinsville.  5 of us spent the last 3 days doing raku, horsehair and saggar firing!  What a great weekend.  Met nice people, learned a lot and had a great time.  Despite cold and rain on Saturday, it was much nicer today. 

I’m so pleased with how my pieces turned out!!

Who knew the pottery world was so diverse?