Post-Retirement Reading

Monday, 4 November 2024

Adventure In Art #10-We All Need A Rescue Online Auction Donation

 I donated this today: a calendar, 12 original gift tags and 6 original cards.   Wonder how much it’ll get.   I donated to this charity 3 years ago.   We’ll know next Sunday! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🙏🏻☺️

$70.00!!   Wow!  Not bad! 

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Adventures In Art #9-Juried Exhibition Acceptance In Pincher Creek, Alberta 😳😀

I received this email on October 7!  😳😀

Dear Bob,  

Thank you for submitting to the Allied Arts Council of Pincher Creek's Members Exhibition. The jury met this afternoon  to review submissions. Due to the amount and sizes of the submissions, they decided to allow 1 piece per artist to the show. 

The jury chose your painting of the barn  to show. ( see image attached.) 

We also wanted to mention if you would be interested in having your other pieces in the gift shop for the holidays we would be happy to share them as well. 

Reminder- all artists showcased in this exhibition must have a 2024 membership to the Allied Arts Council of Pincher Creek. If you are unsure if you have an updated membership let us know and we will check for you. The cost is $5.00 for the year. 

There is an exhibition agreement attached to this email with all of the show details explained.  

Please ask me any questions you have regarding the show and make sure a copy of the Exhibition Agreement is submitted with your work when you drop it off. We will have copies here for you to complete as well. 

Please respond back to this email by Saturday, October 12 to confirm you have received this email and are able to exhibit the pieces we have chosen. 

Promotional materials will be distributed at a later date. 

Thanks again and please ask us any questions that come up. 

Kassandra Chancey 
Executive Director
Allied Arts Council of Pincher Creek 

And so on Thursday I drove back to Fort Macleod and then Lee and I dropped it off at The Lebel on Friday!  The picture they wanted was of the barn I did in Willie’s class this summer but I sold it in Fort Quappelle!  Luckily they had a back-up (“Gully Or Ditch!”) and I still had it, so that one will hang with 18-20 other artists in the gallery there from November 4-December 20.   I took all by other big paintings as well as 6 northern lights cards to sell in their gift shop!   They also had interest in more things too!

I will admit to be pretty excited about this and can’t wait to see it on display.   There’s a reception on November 29 but I probably won’t go back for it, as I’ll be able to see it when I go through on my way to San Diego in December.

Lucky me! ☺️ 

Monday, 7 October 2024


 Amazeballs here!  I added a day to my stay.   Found a fantastic Air B and B, run by a “flotsam artist”! 😜. 

Tacofino, salmon, Chesterman Beach, Long Beach and a full on rainy day.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Leaving Victoria, China Beach, Sound Bath In A Yurt

 What a day!  Again, what a day!  

Met Joe Bembridge in his gallery (Merrick Gallery) after hitting the art supply story (it was around the corner!)  He sells Kathy Bradshaw pieces!

Then I drove back “up island” as they say and stopped at China Beach.  Sandier beach and stormier skies today.  Still,  a beautiful sight!

And then, the pièce de résistance, a Sound Bath on the incredible property I so wish I had found earlier!  It was in a yurt…in the rainforest…with aromatherapy.  So, ya.  Like that!   Wow.   

Then a beautiful Air BnB in Ladysmith.  Homemade buns.  Peanut butter.  Jam.  Cream for tomorrow morning’s coffee.  Lucky me!