Post-Retirement Reading

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Art Bombing

My “project” for February was “art bombing” people.   

I painted a whole bunch of reed pictures and, every day this month, I either popped at least one in the mail or dropped it off at a house.  It seems to have been a hit!  I enjoyed the exercise as it forced me to think about people, was a way to do a “random act of kindness” and gave me a focus for the month...cause Lord knows, I needed one!  Sent some locally, to Bredenbury, Yorkton, Waterloo and the USA.  It also was a good way to keep in touch with people. 

This is my version of Dad and his birdhouses!   I get it now.  

Now, what about March?   🥴😏

Friday, 26 February 2021

This is 56

First of all, the best birthday news of the day:

Then, the rest of the day was filled with deliveries of plants and flowers, lovely messages, a walk at the river with Carmelle, homemade slippers and brownies and a surf and turf supper.  And then there was “Hamilton”!

All in all, could have been worse!!

Saturday, 13 February 2021

It Can Only Go Up From Here....Right????

 I surrender.  I tap out.  I admit defeat.

I hate to tempt Fate, but surely to God we are over the worst of this.  11 months of being inside, there’s been a 4 week delay in the delivery of the vaccines, the last week the polar vortex has put the temperatures between -40 and -50 C.  It’s ungodly cold.  

It’s dark.  It’s cold. It takes 7 layers of clothes to be able to go on my daily walk.

It feels endless and unrelenting. 

It makes it harder than it needs to be.