Post-Retirement Reading

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Together, Apart

 Today was Murray’s funeral.   We did not attend due to Covid restrictions but in a seemingly fitting and appropriate fashion, Deed, Brenda and I marked the occasion together in Bredenbury.   I drove down this morning, picked Deed up and we had lunch with Brenda.  Deed made egg salad and canned ham sandwiches, sweet crinkled pickles, dainties and tea, so we had our small town lunch!  

It was a cold, windy day.   We took some lovely flowers out to the cemetery, reflected and decided that celebrating together/apart was typical of how we did most things as a family:   Mom/Dad/Deed/Brenda/me and Murray...even in his death.  We had a drink of whiskey as we watched a taping of his service and then Fran joined us for supper.

I’m glad we marked this day like this.  It was a fitting way to mark his passing.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Words Left Unsaid

Dear Murray,

I just wanted to drop a note to say hi and to tell you how sorry I am to hear about your recent health news.   I am sure this is a tough and uncertain time for you.   I hope you can spend lots of time with your loved ones and can fill your days doing  whatever you enjoy.

Things with me are good.   I am really enjoying retirement and am learning how to fill the much less-structured days.  I have been learning to do stained and fused glasswork and doing some watercolour painting.  I am really liking that.  I do lots of walking and listening to audiobooks.   It sure passes the walking time quickly!!  Think I’ll try cross country skiing this winter as it looks like I won’t be escaping it this year, which was my ultimate retirement goal!!  I spent last winter in San Diego and it was fantastic.  Sure hope I can get back there next year!  

I just wanted you to know that I I’ve been thinking of you and that I wish you well at this challenging time.   

Be well,



Monday, 21 September 2020

Last Day Of Summer

Change of season equals change of style!   Good-bye 8 month old beard.   Time for a change to s things up.   So, Saturday morning I bought a set of clipper and off it came.  

Then I drove to Yorkton for a long overdue visit with Deed and then I went to see Brenda on Sunday in Bredenbury.   My mental health needed a shot of family and a shake up of routine.   It served my purpose well.   It was just what I needed to do. 

Friday, 11 September 2020

It’s Been 6 Months

Wolf Blitzer just said it’s 6 months to the day since the WHO declared this Covid pandemic.
Dr. Fauci just said it’ll be a year before life goes back to how it was before the pandemic.
The Weather Channel just said it’s going to be an El Nina winter (extra cold).
That’s a lot to take in.

So 6 months from now:   there’ll be a vaccine, we’ll be in the downward slide of winter, spring will be nearer, Bill’s wedding will be over and the promise of travel should be, once again, a possibility.

I wonder how long my beard and hair will be by then!!

So today I cling to and appreciate the heat and light of this sunny,  29 degree Celsius day for I know that these kinds of day are soon to become more and more rare.   And, I try my damnedest to shift my mindset and focus on the many positives I have, like health and freedom and security and stability.

And I am reminded that, “This too, shall pass.”  🤞🏻🤞🏻