Post-Retirement Reading

Friday, 26 July 2019

Shit Just Got Real

My first pension cheque statement came in the mail today.   

Guess it’s official and real now!!

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Retirement Musings

I had a great career.   It was challenging, interesting, frustrating, rewarding, exhausting, fulfilling.  And after 30 years, it wasn’t getting any easier.   In fact, I found it getting more difficult.   So, instead of working another year to “double dip” (collect both my pension and my wage for the last 6 months of any year past 30) which was what I always thought I would do, I decided that my mental health wasn’t worth the extra money in the long run.   

30 years, 5 schools, an Educational Leave, a Deferred Salary Leave, countless colleagues and kids.  I had been at my last school, James L Alexander, for 6 years-enough time to feel comfortable, make connections and feel I had done my job there as well as I was able.  I decided it was time to go as there became many more changes and challenges that were getting harder for me to “role” with.  I was so very fortunate to have a a great group of students and EAs to mark my final year with. 

On Friday, June 15, 2019, I invited 60 people to join me for a farewell for the final Piano Friday at the Bassment.   40 people showed up, and of the 20 that couldn’t come, 10 of them got in touch with me to tell me why they couldn’t make it.   I was so touched.   There was someone fro each of my schools, Lori to make a Bredenbury connection, Susan who tutored me in math when I was in Grade 2 and Shelley who I was in her first class when she was my French teacher at the Regional in 1981 and who also retired this year after 37 1/2 years teaching!   It was struck by what a wonderful gathering of people it was and how lucky I was to have encountered them all in these past 3 decades.

Hey everybody!   I’ve decided that 3 decades as a teacher is long enough!   I am retiring in 21 days.

This really serves two purposes.   Most importantly, I’d like to tell you that, as I have been thinking about my career a lot lately, YOU came to mind as someone I am very grateful for.  It was great working, learning and laughing with you.   Whether it was 30 years ago, or yesterday, I am lucky to have met you along the way!   Thank YOU for being an important part of my work life!

Secondly, if you are able to join me for a drink and/or snack at The Bassment on Friday, June 14 between 4:30-7:30 pm, please do!   (Doors open at 4:30). This is also the final Piano Friday of the season there as well.  (No cover and some live piano music!)

I know June is a crazy month and lake season, so please don’t change your plans if you are busy.  But if you are around and able to drop in and say hi/bye, it would be great to see you!  Tables at the back have been reserved.   

Please make your presence your present!

If you can’t make it, no worries.   Just know that you have been in my thoughts lately and I am glad to have worked with you.

All the best to you.  Have a great summer!  

“One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money was in my bank account nor what my clothes looked like.   But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.”  -Forest Witcraft

A Successful Man

That man is a success-
Who has lived well, laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained respect of intelligent men and the love of children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who leaves the world a better place than he found it;
Who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it;
Who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.

-Author unknown

And what an incredible send-off on the last day with kids thanks to Kathie and Naren.   OMG, what a party in the last day.   An embarrassment of riches is how I referred to it.   So many kind words, thoughtful gifts and lovely sentiments.   I couldn’t have left on a higher high.


This quote is one that resonates with me and that I used to help guide me during my career.   

As the year drew closer to an end, it proved to be true time and time again as I heard from former students, families and colleagues.   I am, in countless ways, such a blessed and lucky man.

Monday, 8 July 2019

A Week Into It

It’s my One-Week-Aversary of being a retired person.   I couldn’t be happier!   It’s been a busy but wonderful week.  Lake, home, yard work, lake and home again.   This is living.   So grateful and fortunate to be able to spend the time with family this week.   So much excitement.   Wayne and family off to England, helped Brenda with yard and deck, a great weekend with everyone out at Good Spirit, great summer weather.   Blessings upon blessings.

Thinking back on the last week of work, I am reminded again and again of how lucky I am.   What a wonderful “send off” I had.   From my Retirement Party at the Bassment on June 14, to the party the kids had for me on the last day, it was a great way to end a satisfying career.   I am ever grateful for all the wonderful people, adults and kids alike, that I encountered over the last 30 years.   Lucky, lucky me.

I wake up every morning and I think, “this is nice but it’s gonna end at the end of August” and then it suddenly hits me that “no, this is your new normal!”    It’s the greatest feeling and most unexpected surprise.....every morning!!   I love it.

I read something on how to have a successful retirement and it said you need three things:  something to do, someone  to love and something to look forward to.   That really resonates with me.   I will use that to guide my days!


Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Time Carries On

Today marks six years since Dad passed away.   Yesterday, Brenda and I worked in the yard to make it as neat and trimmed as he and Mom liked it.   I think we did them proud.   I sure miss them, but I also sure appreciate having had them!!

You can shed tears that they are gone 
Or you can smile because they lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that they will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that they left
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see them
Or you can be full of the love that you shared 
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday 
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember them and only that they are gone
Or you can cherish their memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what they would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.